Ron Ferlito Music

Carona Virus Update ONE - Video Lessons- Spring Recital Information - Lemonade

Thursday, March 26, 2020 by Ron Ferlito | Uncategorized


Toward the end of last week and on into the weekend, as I received an email notice from practically every business or institution I’ve ever had interaction with telling me how they were planning on cancelling their activities and otherwise responding to the carona virus situation, I remember mentioning to my wife Deanna that I was not going to join the band wagon and add to everyone’s inbox clutter. I figured I didn’t really have much to say since I would be open for business as usual with all regularly scheduled music lessons. I also planned on continuing to take precautionary measures as always like wiping down the keyboard frequently with disinfectant wipes and encouraging children to wash their hands before attending lessons.


But after hearing from several parents asking what my plans were, receiving cancellations for all 3 remaining corporate event performance gigs booked for the remainder of March (totaling over $1200 in anticipated income which has suddenly vanished) and almost losing one family of two students until I could get them to at least try online lessons instead, I figured it was time to communicate. So here is one more of those corona virus emails for you to add to your collection.


I know people may still be staggering in disbelief about how quickly so many major sporting events, schools, businesses, and even churches cancelled their activities one afternoon another all last week. But I’m here to assure you that at least one aspect of normalcy will remain for all of you since RFM (Ron Ferlito Music) will continue its regular schedule of music lessons throughout the crisis unless I am forced by law to shut down. In fact this is a great opportunity for people to spend more time practicing and developing their musical skills while other activities have slowed down. So if you have makeup lessons you have had trouble scheduling due to other activities text me and let’s schedule you for those extra lessons. That’s why I’m also sending this to many of you who have had to cancel recently due to overwhelming schedules with sports, school, or work activities. Perhaps this would be a good time to resume music studies - even if it were just temporarily until school and other activities pick up again. And since it appears the expansion of my overall business into more performances will not be possible at least for a while due to the health crisis I will be better able to take on additional students and teaching activities. So let’s take advantage of this time with the old saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”


In addition, if you are concerned about keeping travel and personal contact to a minimum, I am able to offer anyone their lessons (at their existing scheduled time or another time) via online videoconference rather than person to person if you prefer. All it takes is access to a good wi-fi or cell data signal and any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer. Text me for more information if you’d like to explore this option.


There will, however be one aspect of RFM this year that will be a bit different at least partially due to the health crisis. Instead of our normal spring recital in May as we have held it at the end of each school year previously, this year the plan will be to conduct several smaller events through the summer of no more than 8 to 10 students each in a fun and more intimate gathering in our NEW HOME! (Yes- we are FINALLY moving in May!) This change is not entirely related to the health crisis, since our current lease is up at the end of April which means our moving time would adversely coincide with the regular recital date if we did it as in previous years. But there are several reasons that changing the recital plans work well with the health crisis because the new plan is compatible with the CDC guideline of not holding any large meetings. In addition, our preferred recital location of Legacy House assisted living facility would not work this year anyway. Because of their residents who are more at risk of infection from the virus, they have restricted visitors to only essential guests who must each pass a pre-screening process.


So I’m excited about the home recital concept because it will be a time for each student to demonstrate their own individual progress but it will also make it easier to have several combined small ensembles present their work.  This is something I’ve wanted to do with RFM for quite a while. Although we do not have an exact address or firm moving date yet, we do know our new home will be very near our current location and it will have a spacious great room large enough to accommodate an average of up to 3 or 4 guests per participant, which is about what our recital attendance has been historically. It would take at least 5 or 6 programs to get everyone in, but they would be scheduled over a period of a few weeks enabling everyone to participate at a convenient time for their family between trips and other summer activities. And if travel and other activities are still shut down by then, having these smaller events in our home will allow greater flexibility if things need to be changed.


In conclusion, I’d like to thank everyone in advance during this strange time of crisis for remembering the community aspect of the RFM family based on mutual trust and respect between my family and all the students, parents and family members. All of us contribute to making quality music education accessible and enjoyable as a positive experience to enhance our lives and on a loftier level - to elevate the culture of our society and the next generation.

By all of us following simple health guidelines we make it safer for others by slowing the spread of disease. But we also must remember that as a community we can mitigate the negative economic aspect of all these cancellations by continuing to pay your monthly or quarterly tuition renewals on time or by responding to the early payment incentives if you wish. With the sudden loss of my steadily increasing performance income it makes our family even more dependent on timely tuition payments so please be sure to let me know, if possible, at least a few weeks or preferably a month ahead of any changes you may anticipate or help you may need in order to make payment arrangements. Although we are getting stronger economically month by month, unfortunately it would still only take a few unexpected sudden cancellations of anticipated payments (particularly quarterly renewals) to plummet us into financial chaos. This is especially true because of the upcoming additional expenses we will be encountering with the upcoming move in May. We truly are all in this together because by not suddenly withdrawing out of fear you encourage others to likewise remain calm and steadfast, enabling the whole operation to steadily continue forward. But I prefer to continue to trust the family and mutual respect method rather than imposing strict rules, multiple fees and involuntary auto-drafts to enforce self preservation like so many other music academies and private teachers do.


Let’s all boldly move forward together making lemonade (enjoying going deeper in our musical development) as we adjust to the challenge of all the new lemons we have been given! (the worldwide health and economic crisis trying to cripple us with fear)

I look forward to seeing you all at your next regularly scheduled lesson time unless I hear from you otherwise!  

Ron Ferlito, M.A.Ed.
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